Find us at:
UTM : LG06,
Geographical coordinates in decimal degrees (WGS84)
Latitude : -34.667
Longitude : 150.833 -
Geographical coordinates in degrees minutes seconds (WGS84)
Latitude : -34 40' 00''
Longitude : 150 50' 00''
Kiama is a southern New South Wales, Australia, coastal town. In recent times Kiama has become a popular holiday and day-tripper destination for people from the Illawarra and Sydney regions.
Kiama has many coffee lounges, fast food outlets, restaurants, Clubs and Hotels.
The township of Kiama still maintains it's historic seaside roots which includes the small boat harbour.
Areas beside the harbour have been set aside as parkland suitable for picnics and family activities and there are pleasant walking paths along the coastline.
Kiama has a railway station within easy walking distance of the Harbour which provides access to Wollongong (50 Mins) and Sydney Central Station (2 Hrs).